Sunday, October 25, 2009

H1N1 Runs Rampant in Wisconsin

Few weeks ago, I had reported that Wisconsin had the first snow fall on Oct.12. This year, the winter came earlier, so is the flu season. Wisconsin not only has her regular flu, but also the swine flu or the H1N1 flu this year. The swine flu hit Wisconsin very hard. Several colleagues of mine had reported that their children got the swine flu and had to take care of the sick at home. The Wisconsin Public Radio had reported that one middle school at Green Bay District had to close the school because the school could not find enough 'substitute teachers' to help out sick teachers.

UW-Green Bay is prepared for the worst. The university is giving the authority to the chairs, managers, or directors the authority to send 'sick' employees home. The professors are given the authority to send 'sick' students home. Each professor is given a hand sanitizers to protect them from the flu infection.

Few days ago, I was at Kimberly-Clark Health Center and told about the university practice to send sick employees home. My colleague at Kimberly-Clark said that,

'I wish Kimberly-Clark does the same thing as the university to send sick employees home'.

'There is a difference" I said,

"Sick employees of Kimberly-Clark still get paid even they stay home; university professors wont get paid if they take sick leave and stay home."

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Chens are on The Move

Our son, Leo, at the New York City called us last night (Oct.15) and informed us his wife got a director job at his school. This was a fantastic news for them. My daughter-in-law, Peggy, was employed by a non-profit organization. With the economic recession, her organization had tough time of raising money to support employees. Basically, her job was in a limbo. With her new baby and with her husband meager teacher salary, they were basically lived on the edge in the New York City. Now, Peggy gets a new job. With two incomes, hopefully, they can get-by economically in New York.

However, with a baby of less than 2 months, the new parent needs help again. They called their mom to help.

Usually, this would not present any problem when I was healthy and strong, or if I am in the break. It is quite challenging for me that Meeilei would have to go to New York City again for another three weeks starting next week when school work will be at a greater demand.

Friends, please pray for me that I will succeed in this challenge to be able to manage school, home, and my medical care all together at the same time for next three weeks.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Green Bay has the first snow fall on Oct. 12.

You would not believe it; but it is true. This morning (Oct.12, 2009) as I drove from Appleton to Green Bay, I saw snow fall in Green Bay. It is a bit too early. Last year, it was 60F with sun shine at this time of the year.

Meeilei wants to move to California. I think there is merit on her suggestions. After my retirement at UW-Green Bay (in 3 years), I am also thinking of moving to a warmer place to live.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Meeilei is Home; Everything Is Gradually Go Back to Normal

After three and half week-visit of her granddaughter in the New York City, Meeilei was finally home on October 5. I am probably the person mostly happy about it. We went to KC's pool and swim together. After that we had a simple supper and exchanged jokes. We also played recorders together. We had wonderful times. No longer home alone. Everything will be gradually go back to normal.