On October 4, 2016 my mind was completely turbulent. As I remember I had put on all the clothes including sweater and jacket, my body was still shivering. The knowing of another blood work at Encircle Medical Center was almost like I was marching to a firing squad. I had said a prayer to ask Lord to remove my fear but it didn't work. Then, I posted in my Facebook; many friends responded with prayers and support. Those supports help a lot, turning my mind of turbulent sea to a calm water. Thank you a lot to you all.
On September 4, 2016, I had a routine blood work with my family doctor. My doctor reviewed the results and everything looks pretty good: fasting blood sugar drops from 111 last year to 97. Lipid panel looks excellent, much better than those results last year. Then the CBC (Complete Blood Count), he and I was hoping I could have a happy exit, but his face sank and turned into a poker face.
"Frank, I don't like the numbers", doctor said.
I look over the results, most of the important blood count numbers such as RBC, hemoglobin, and WBC, are all below the normal range. WBC was below the record low, only 2, instead of 4-11.
"I don't like the numbers either." I said.
"But, I am not sick." I continued to say, "I am fine."
I was truly fine at the time.
"We will check the CBC in one month. If the numbers continue to drop, then you need to see a hematologist." The doctor said.
Everyday when I drove home along 41S bound and passing through Ballard St., I saw a medical facility with big words like "Hematology/Oncology" . The word "hematology" is associated with "oncology". Doctor's suggestion to visit hematology makes me worry.
"What can I do the reverse these numbers?" I asked.
"Nothing". The doctor said.
Since my doctor offered no help, I have to take a proactive approach for this healing process. Fortunately, the google search can offer some credible information. There are many causes for anemia, some of them are manageable; some of them are not. After classifying the causes into 2 categories, I then focus on manageable causes to reverse the anemia.
Non-manageable causes:
(1) GI bleeding, which is possible since I already have pre-cancer in my stomach. If this is true, it implies the pre-cancer has turned into cancerous cell. This would be a bad news for me and requires GI specialist to treat the stomach cancer. For this, my approach is to stick to the plant-based diet as much as possible and do nothing else.
(2) Bone Marrow cannot effectively make blood cells. usually, this is caused by blood cancers. I just need to pray God that this is not the case.
Manageable causes
(1) nutrient deficient. Since I am almost a vegetarian, the most likely nutrient deficient is Vitamin B12. Since doctor would not prescribe B12 injection, I just bought over-the-counter vitamin B complex for my B12 supply. Other suggestions from the internet search was to use apple-beet juice for nitro-oxide. Since neither apple nor beet are toxic, I also make beet-apple smoothies for my nutrient supply for a month.
(2) toxins The most common blood toxins are medications whether they are prescription drugs such as anti-biotic, over-the-counter drugs such as pain killers, and supplements. For the past month, I suspended those medications or supplement as much as I can tolerate. I also engage in perspiration ritual to activate the skin, the body biggest organ to excrete the toxin easing the burden of the kidney.
(3) Meditation, exercise, and plant-based diet. This approach should be the basic defensive strategy for body wellness.
Four hours after the blood work on October 4, I called doctor's office and the nurse answered.
"Your results are here, but the doctor has not reviewed the results yet." The nurse said.
"Could you peek on the results for the moment and let me know the trend." I begged because I knew I might crossed the line. But I also knew that if it is a good news, the nurse would tell me.
She paused, and then said, "All the numbers have improved, especially the WBC improves from 2.0 to 3.0"
That was probably the sweetest words that I have received on October 4. It also means that the strategy works which I am very happy to share.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
Let's Pretend
In 1981, Professor Ellen Langer of Harvard University and her colleagues recruited men and women of 70's and 80's, and packed them into 2 vans and drove them to a remote town of New Hampshire, and asked those recruited to live in an environment that was in the 50's. The recruits were asked to pretend that they were 30 years younger. Both groups were surrounded by an environment which included: mid-century mementos—1950s issues of Life magazine and the Saturday Evening Post, a black-and-white television, a vintage radio—and they discussed the events of the time: the launch of the first U.S. satellite, Castro’s victory ride into Havana, Nikita Khrushchev and the need for bomb shelters. There was entertainment (a screening of the 1959 film Anatomy of a Murder with Jimmy Stewart) and spirited discussions of such 1950s sports greats as Mickey Mantle and Floyd Patterson. One night, the men sat glued to the radio, listening as Royal Orbit won the 1959 Preakness.
A week later, both groups of men took a battery of cognitive and physical tests. After just one week in the new environment, there were dramatic positive changes across the board. Both groups were stronger and more flexible. Height, weight, gait, posture, hearing, vision—even their performance on intelligence tests had improved. Their joints were more flexible, their shoulders wider, their fingers not only more agile, but longer and less gnarled by arthritis. But the men who had acted as if they were actually back in 1959 showed significantly more improvement. Those who had impersonated younger men seemed to have bodies that actually were younger.
The results were published in Harvard Magazine, http://harvardmagazine.com/2010/09/the-mindfulness-chronicles.
The study demonstrates the importance of mind-body connection. The mind-set can even affect our perspectives of aging.
A week later, both groups of men took a battery of cognitive and physical tests. After just one week in the new environment, there were dramatic positive changes across the board. Both groups were stronger and more flexible. Height, weight, gait, posture, hearing, vision—even their performance on intelligence tests had improved. Their joints were more flexible, their shoulders wider, their fingers not only more agile, but longer and less gnarled by arthritis. But the men who had acted as if they were actually back in 1959 showed significantly more improvement. Those who had impersonated younger men seemed to have bodies that actually were younger.
The results were published in Harvard Magazine, http://harvardmagazine.com/2010/09/the-mindfulness-chronicles.
The study demonstrates the importance of mind-body connection. The mind-set can even affect our perspectives of aging.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Spontaneous Healing
Is it possible for spontaneous healing to take place for a patient suffering a life-threatening disease such as terminal cancer, or heart disease? Dr. Deepak Chopra, a certified MD in both India and US, think it is possible as long as we practice 'silence witnessing' and 're-writing our scripts'.
Every moment, we are exchanging the chemical elements with the environment through breathing, drinking, eating, and all other 5-sense inputs. According to Deepak, our internal organs such as liver renew and replace itself every 3 months. The cancer cells, and the disease heart do exactly the same thing. The cancer cells of the patient now are not the same as those seen a year ago.
If the organs have chances of renewing themselves, why a sick organ will remain sick after the regularly renewable ? According to Deepak, this is because the organs renew itself according to the scripts our conscious have written onto. This script, according to Deepak, is called the cell memory. For spontaneous healing to take place, one must make a real effort to re-write the spontaneous. Positive thinking is not enough. Silent witness to achieve self-awareness through meditation is the key allowing us to re-write the script.
What is the self-awareness? A patient feels discomfort and went to see a doctor. After thorough examination, the doctor found nothing and telling the patient is fine. But actually, the patient is not fine. According to Deepak, self-awareness of discomfort will precede before the diagnosis tools reveal something wrong in the patient. Similarly, during the recovery phase, self-awareness of 'comfort' will precede the medical diagnosis.
Here is a clinical example of Deepak Chopra to illustrate this point.
A woman of stage-4 breast cancer went to the Chopra Center asking for help. The Center provides therapies through the practices to provide patient's care and pleasure through 5 senses including oil massage and aromatherapy. The purpose of these therapies is to enhance patient pleasure and love for life and to eliminate the fear of death.
Few months later at the Center, she was feeling very well. Then she called her oncologist, telling her oncologist that she has been heeled. The oncologist gave her a total body scan. Well, the cancer cells were still there. She relapsed and her cancer got worse immediately. This is how 'fear' can almost kill anyone, healthy or sick.
According to Deepak, this woman did have a happy ending on her story through very hard work on re-writing the script to achieve a spontaneous healing.
So, spontaneous healing is possible if we can enhance our self-awareness and love of the life through silence-witnessing, and through meditation.
Every moment, we are exchanging the chemical elements with the environment through breathing, drinking, eating, and all other 5-sense inputs. According to Deepak, our internal organs such as liver renew and replace itself every 3 months. The cancer cells, and the disease heart do exactly the same thing. The cancer cells of the patient now are not the same as those seen a year ago.
If the organs have chances of renewing themselves, why a sick organ will remain sick after the regularly renewable ? According to Deepak, this is because the organs renew itself according to the scripts our conscious have written onto. This script, according to Deepak, is called the cell memory. For spontaneous healing to take place, one must make a real effort to re-write the spontaneous. Positive thinking is not enough. Silent witness to achieve self-awareness through meditation is the key allowing us to re-write the script.
What is the self-awareness? A patient feels discomfort and went to see a doctor. After thorough examination, the doctor found nothing and telling the patient is fine. But actually, the patient is not fine. According to Deepak, self-awareness of discomfort will precede before the diagnosis tools reveal something wrong in the patient. Similarly, during the recovery phase, self-awareness of 'comfort' will precede the medical diagnosis.
Here is a clinical example of Deepak Chopra to illustrate this point.
A woman of stage-4 breast cancer went to the Chopra Center asking for help. The Center provides therapies through the practices to provide patient's care and pleasure through 5 senses including oil massage and aromatherapy. The purpose of these therapies is to enhance patient pleasure and love for life and to eliminate the fear of death.
Few months later at the Center, she was feeling very well. Then she called her oncologist, telling her oncologist that she has been heeled. The oncologist gave her a total body scan. Well, the cancer cells were still there. She relapsed and her cancer got worse immediately. This is how 'fear' can almost kill anyone, healthy or sick.
According to Deepak, this woman did have a happy ending on her story through very hard work on re-writing the script to achieve a spontaneous healing.
So, spontaneous healing is possible if we can enhance our self-awareness and love of the life through silence-witnessing, and through meditation.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Rewrite Our Destiny
Although genetics plays some role in our health, our life style plays a much larger role.
Jose Cortez is a Hispanic. When he was in the 20's, his mom died of type-2 diabetics. It seems that type-2 diabetics runs in his family. When he was 61, he did not feel well. An initial examination concluded that he had both type-2 diabetics and high blood pressure. His glucose reading was over 500 (should be under 125). His blood pressure was 166/99 (should be under 120/80). The doctor told Jose that he was a candidate for major heart attack at any moment.
Besides taking the medications that the doctor prescribed immediately, Jose began his life transformation journey. He stopped fried food and soda and replacing them with healthy alternatives. He started walking, then running; first up to 10K then latter a marathon. Six years latter, his blood sugars are between 115 and 130, his blood pressures is 130/65. Jose's story was published by AARP (American Association for Retired People), June/July, 2016.
In September, 2015, I went to a routine blood test and found out my fasting blood sugar was 111 (should be below 100), a pre-diabetic fasting sugar reading. I was surprised and very disappointed because I ate very carefully; I was actually a vegetarian. Although highly disappointed, I finally told myself that I did not do enough to control my insulin resistance issue. I reduced my banana rations from several banana a day to just one banana a day; my grape ration from a bunch of grapes to just 10 of them at a time; switch from ‘red delicious apple’ to low sugar ‘Glen-Smith’ apple. I replace most of the missing fruits to berries: blue berry, strawberry, etc. I add ‘aerobic exercise’ such as ‘Body Attack’, ‘Body Combat’, ‘cycling’ and ‘high intensity interval training’.
In December of the same year, I went back for blood sugar and lipid panel check. The fasting blood sugar dropped 10 points to 101; and HDL increased 15 points from 53 to 68. It is a personal triumph although I still have several battles to fight for: such as my blood pressure is in the range of 140/70; I am shooting for blood pressure below 120/70. I belong to a high risk group of getting gastrointestinal cancers as I have per-cancers in my stomach and in my esophagus. Few years ago, I was very upset about all those ‘bad’ things with me, now I feel ease at these messages my body is telling me. My body wants and can heal; just don’t let my mind to interfere. I also consider every day is actually a gift. All I need to do is to treasure this gift and to get the best out of every day.
My story and Jose's story tell us something very true. Although we cannot change our genes, we can take control of our life style to re-write our destiny.
Jose Cortez is a Hispanic. When he was in the 20's, his mom died of type-2 diabetics. It seems that type-2 diabetics runs in his family. When he was 61, he did not feel well. An initial examination concluded that he had both type-2 diabetics and high blood pressure. His glucose reading was over 500 (should be under 125). His blood pressure was 166/99 (should be under 120/80). The doctor told Jose that he was a candidate for major heart attack at any moment.
Besides taking the medications that the doctor prescribed immediately, Jose began his life transformation journey. He stopped fried food and soda and replacing them with healthy alternatives. He started walking, then running; first up to 10K then latter a marathon. Six years latter, his blood sugars are between 115 and 130, his blood pressures is 130/65. Jose's story was published by AARP (American Association for Retired People), June/July, 2016.
In September, 2015, I went to a routine blood test and found out my fasting blood sugar was 111 (should be below 100), a pre-diabetic fasting sugar reading. I was surprised and very disappointed because I ate very carefully; I was actually a vegetarian. Although highly disappointed, I finally told myself that I did not do enough to control my insulin resistance issue. I reduced my banana rations from several banana a day to just one banana a day; my grape ration from a bunch of grapes to just 10 of them at a time; switch from ‘red delicious apple’ to low sugar ‘Glen-Smith’ apple. I replace most of the missing fruits to berries: blue berry, strawberry, etc. I add ‘aerobic exercise’ such as ‘Body Attack’, ‘Body Combat’, ‘cycling’ and ‘high intensity interval training’.
In December of the same year, I went back for blood sugar and lipid panel check. The fasting blood sugar dropped 10 points to 101; and HDL increased 15 points from 53 to 68. It is a personal triumph although I still have several battles to fight for: such as my blood pressure is in the range of 140/70; I am shooting for blood pressure below 120/70. I belong to a high risk group of getting gastrointestinal cancers as I have per-cancers in my stomach and in my esophagus. Few years ago, I was very upset about all those ‘bad’ things with me, now I feel ease at these messages my body is telling me. My body wants and can heal; just don’t let my mind to interfere. I also consider every day is actually a gift. All I need to do is to treasure this gift and to get the best out of every day.
My story and Jose's story tell us something very true. Although we cannot change our genes, we can take control of our life style to re-write our destiny.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Silent Witnessing--How I recover the Rotators-Cuff Problems.
Six months ago, when my arm was so sore that I could not reach and hold a milk jar in the refrigerator. It was therefore to my overjoy when I noticed that I could do the shoulder hold in a folk dance session few days ago.
My first trip to the chiropractor was in May hoping he would teach me few techniques to minimize the pain. Instead, he made a diagnosis and concluded that I had a shoulder rotators-cuff problem; recommending a MRI and a surgery to resolve the issue.
I refused, then made an appointment to my general practice physician office. A physician assistant confirmed that I had a rotators-cuff, but recommended a physical therapy. She also prescribed a locally-applied anti-inflammatory ointment for me to apply on the shoulder, plus some ice therapy.
After the ice and few physical therapy, I feel the pain was about 30-40% improved but was still unable to do more demanding for the the shoulder suppose to do.
The biggest improvement came from my regular practice of few Yoga move, such as dower-dog, Plank, crocodile, and mountain-climber poses, the improvement is readily visible. This is how I see the rotators-cuff problems substantial improvement.
The problems are not completely gone; but I can do regular staff with my right shoulder. I share my healing experience with my readers so that they can learn few tips from my experience.
My first trip to the chiropractor was in May hoping he would teach me few techniques to minimize the pain. Instead, he made a diagnosis and concluded that I had a shoulder rotators-cuff problem; recommending a MRI and a surgery to resolve the issue.
I refused, then made an appointment to my general practice physician office. A physician assistant confirmed that I had a rotators-cuff, but recommended a physical therapy. She also prescribed a locally-applied anti-inflammatory ointment for me to apply on the shoulder, plus some ice therapy.
After the ice and few physical therapy, I feel the pain was about 30-40% improved but was still unable to do more demanding for the the shoulder suppose to do.
The biggest improvement came from my regular practice of few Yoga move, such as dower-dog, Plank, crocodile, and mountain-climber poses, the improvement is readily visible. This is how I see the rotators-cuff problems substantial improvement.
The problems are not completely gone; but I can do regular staff with my right shoulder. I share my healing experience with my readers so that they can learn few tips from my experience.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
How our mind affects our healing
The following story comes from Dr. Deepak Chopra who got medical practice license in both the U.S. and India.
About 10 month ago, a had a patient,let's call him Robert, came to my clinic asking for help. This is Robert's story:
I was working on the roof of my house where I found a wire, which I thought it was a wire came from nowhere. So that I tried to clear it away. But the wire was loading up with 10,000 volts of electricity. As soon as Robert touched the wire, the 10,000 V of electricity running through his body. The 10,000 V is the voltage that the prisons in the old days used to executed prisoners.
Robert was electrical executed instantly and he fell from the roof.
This is what the story starts. He was so lucky that you can say this is an example of perfect miracle. When he landed on the group that hit a certain spot of his body which generated an electric impulse to make his heart pumping again. He came back alive. But now his right side of the body, hand and foot were completely burnt.
The emergency ambulance took him to the hospital. The ER doctor wanted to amputated his hands and foot. He thought a moment, and saying 'No'. He said,
"My life was saved by God. If I ask Him again, He should be able to give me back my right foot and right hand."
That was the reason he visited Chopra Center for help. The Chopra Clinic helped Robert to visualize his right arm and foot before the incidence. Using this constructive conscious effort, surely enough, Robert's right arm and foot began to regenerate tissues and regained strength.
According to Deepak, to completely cure an illness, say cancer, one must re-write the so-called the 'cellular memory' of illness to fully recovered. A woman with breast cancer came to clinic to see him. When Dr. Chopra examine the cancer cell, he said that this is the new cancer cell because the old cancer cells were gone. Same with our human body. The cells of our body got replaced periodically.
But why the newly replaced cells are still sick? Because the 'memory' of the cell passes from one generation to the next generation. So, even with surgery, chemo treatment, unless the patient works hard to re-write the cellular memory, remission is not possible.
The conclusion: Our mind affects our health at every cellular level. Welcome your comments.
About 10 month ago, a had a patient,let's call him Robert, came to my clinic asking for help. This is Robert's story:
I was working on the roof of my house where I found a wire, which I thought it was a wire came from nowhere. So that I tried to clear it away. But the wire was loading up with 10,000 volts of electricity. As soon as Robert touched the wire, the 10,000 V of electricity running through his body. The 10,000 V is the voltage that the prisons in the old days used to executed prisoners.
Robert was electrical executed instantly and he fell from the roof.
This is what the story starts. He was so lucky that you can say this is an example of perfect miracle. When he landed on the group that hit a certain spot of his body which generated an electric impulse to make his heart pumping again. He came back alive. But now his right side of the body, hand and foot were completely burnt.
The emergency ambulance took him to the hospital. The ER doctor wanted to amputated his hands and foot. He thought a moment, and saying 'No'. He said,
"My life was saved by God. If I ask Him again, He should be able to give me back my right foot and right hand."
That was the reason he visited Chopra Center for help. The Chopra Clinic helped Robert to visualize his right arm and foot before the incidence. Using this constructive conscious effort, surely enough, Robert's right arm and foot began to regenerate tissues and regained strength.
According to Deepak, to completely cure an illness, say cancer, one must re-write the so-called the 'cellular memory' of illness to fully recovered. A woman with breast cancer came to clinic to see him. When Dr. Chopra examine the cancer cell, he said that this is the new cancer cell because the old cancer cells were gone. Same with our human body. The cells of our body got replaced periodically.
But why the newly replaced cells are still sick? Because the 'memory' of the cell passes from one generation to the next generation. So, even with surgery, chemo treatment, unless the patient works hard to re-write the cellular memory, remission is not possible.
The conclusion: Our mind affects our health at every cellular level. Welcome your comments.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
A coincidence or the result of the intention?
A week before BCCE (Biannual Conference for Chemistry Educators) at Greeley, CO.,my family had a family reunion at Grand Haven, Michigan. Victor, a chemistry teacher, told me that one of his friend, Ramona will be at the BCCE and presenting a paper on her work. Since the attendees reached 2000+ at the Conference, I told Victor that there was no way I would meet her friend. Even I saw her next to me, I would not recognize her as Romona.
The day before the Conference completed, I walked over from my dorm to the University Center to get collect relatively health snacks to be used as my food at the airplane. Half way to the UC, I forgot my key for the dorm, I walked back to the dorm, got the key then walk straight to the University Center.
I passed by a lady conferee, I greeted her by saying, "Hello". our next conversation was that I was from UW-Green Bay. She said that she was from Minnesota. Then, she looked into my eye and asked,
"Are you Victor"s dad?" she continued, " I am Romona"
I was completely shocked. Was this a completely coincidence, or the result of 'Power of Intention?' I will leave you to explain.
The day before the Conference completed, I walked over from my dorm to the University Center to get collect relatively health snacks to be used as my food at the airplane. Half way to the UC, I forgot my key for the dorm, I walked back to the dorm, got the key then walk straight to the University Center.
I passed by a lady conferee, I greeted her by saying, "Hello". our next conversation was that I was from UW-Green Bay. She said that she was from Minnesota. Then, she looked into my eye and asked,
"Are you Victor"s dad?" she continued, " I am Romona"
I was completely shocked. Was this a completely coincidence, or the result of 'Power of Intention?' I will leave you to explain.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
The Five Chapters of Life
During one of the inspirational speech gathering, the speaker gave each participant a piece of 4' x 6' paper and asked each participant to write their five chapters of their life.
One of the participants wrote the following chapters.
Chapter 1:
I walked down a street. There was a hole on the street. I did not see the hole and accidentally fell down into the hole. It took me a long time to get out of the hole. I cursed the pot hole. I cursed the person who 'produced' the pot hole. It was not my fault.
Chapter 2:
I walked down the same street. There was a hole on the street. I did see the hole, but fell down into the hole again. It took me a long time to get out of the hole. It must be a 'habit'. It was not my fault.
Chapter 3:
I walked down the same street. There was a hole on the street. I did see the hole and managed to avoid the hole. But I did not succeed and I fell again. This time, I got out of my hole quickly. It was my fault.
Chapter 4:
I walked down the same street. There was a hole on the street. I did see the hole and managed to avoid the hole, and I succeeded.
Chapter 5:
I walked on a different street.
What did the story teach about? Would love to hear your interpretations.
One of the participants wrote the following chapters.
Chapter 1:
I walked down a street. There was a hole on the street. I did not see the hole and accidentally fell down into the hole. It took me a long time to get out of the hole. I cursed the pot hole. I cursed the person who 'produced' the pot hole. It was not my fault.
Chapter 2:
I walked down the same street. There was a hole on the street. I did see the hole, but fell down into the hole again. It took me a long time to get out of the hole. It must be a 'habit'. It was not my fault.
Chapter 3:
I walked down the same street. There was a hole on the street. I did see the hole and managed to avoid the hole. But I did not succeed and I fell again. This time, I got out of my hole quickly. It was my fault.
Chapter 4:
I walked down the same street. There was a hole on the street. I did see the hole and managed to avoid the hole, and I succeeded.
Chapter 5:
I walked on a different street.
What did the story teach about? Would love to hear your interpretations.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
The Rich History of Wausau-WI
We went to Wausau, WI to see our old friends from New Jersey back in the 80's. The host, Sharon and her husband, Paul took us to the Peking Restaurant to enjoy a fine Chinese lunch. The restaurant is located at the 9-floor Landmark building, a historic site of Wausau.
Paul told us the story about the Wausau.
In the early 20th century, before the invention of automobile approximately in 1920's , Wausau was a bustling town because of the Fromm Fur Farm. The Fromm brothers raised fox and mink in the farm. The younger brother even bred a purple mink. Fox and mink were in high demand, because their skins could make expensive fur coat for rich women and men (There were no animal right protection at the time.) The buyers came from New York City would take trains or boat to Wausau; then rent a horse-carried carriage and rode the 6-hour carriage to the farm to shop the fur.
Six hours ride was quite inconvenient for the buyers. Thus the city built a 9-story hotel which is called the Landmark Tower for those visitors to rest and stay.
After the fur trade went out of favor, the 2nd generation Fromm Brother raised the ginseng farm which opened a big market in the East Asia. Today, there are many players in managing the ginseng farm. Our host, Mr. Hus is one of them. Their business is called the Hsu's Enterprise.
Here are historic photo of the Fromm Fur Farm.

Paul told us the story about the Wausau.
In the early 20th century, before the invention of automobile approximately in 1920's , Wausau was a bustling town because of the Fromm Fur Farm. The Fromm brothers raised fox and mink in the farm. The younger brother even bred a purple mink. Fox and mink were in high demand, because their skins could make expensive fur coat for rich women and men (There were no animal right protection at the time.) The buyers came from New York City would take trains or boat to Wausau; then rent a horse-carried carriage and rode the 6-hour carriage to the farm to shop the fur.
Six hours ride was quite inconvenient for the buyers. Thus the city built a 9-story hotel which is called the Landmark Tower for those visitors to rest and stay.
After the fur trade went out of favor, the 2nd generation Fromm Brother raised the ginseng farm which opened a big market in the East Asia. Today, there are many players in managing the ginseng farm. Our host, Mr. Hus is one of them. Their business is called the Hsu's Enterprise.
Here are historic photo of the Fromm Fur Farm.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Searching for the key
One of my doctor friends had told me about her experience of seeing a new patient. The patient told her that he has numerous chronic conditions such as diabetics, high blood pressure, kidney and liver problem and is currently taking 56 medications.
Most modern chronicle health problems came from wrong life style; wrong foods, lack of exercise, and chronic stress. The problems lie within us; seeking outside professional help does very little to correct the problem.
The situation reminds me a story of searching a lost key.
There was a man who lost his key inside of his house; but there was a power outage in his house. He looked out the window; the sun was shining. So he went outside to search for his key.
Pretty soon, a neighbor came and ask what was going on. He told his neighbor that he lost his key. So, the neighbor helped him find the key.
30 minutes passed and no key was found.
"Where did you lose your key?", the neighbor asked.
"Inside my house." answered the man.
"Then why do we search for the key outside?" the neighbor was puzzled.
"Because there is light outside", answered the man.
We often laugh about this story, but in term of taking care of our health, most of us just like the man searching the lost key at the wrong places. Instead of taking control of our life style, we seek for either medication or medical professional help.
We should realize that no one knows better about our health than ourselves. Our health is our own business. Searching the answer from within will eventually help us restore our health.
Most modern chronicle health problems came from wrong life style; wrong foods, lack of exercise, and chronic stress. The problems lie within us; seeking outside professional help does very little to correct the problem.
The situation reminds me a story of searching a lost key.
There was a man who lost his key inside of his house; but there was a power outage in his house. He looked out the window; the sun was shining. So he went outside to search for his key.
Pretty soon, a neighbor came and ask what was going on. He told his neighbor that he lost his key. So, the neighbor helped him find the key.
30 minutes passed and no key was found.
"Where did you lose your key?", the neighbor asked.
"Inside my house." answered the man.
"Then why do we search for the key outside?" the neighbor was puzzled.
"Because there is light outside", answered the man.
We often laugh about this story, but in term of taking care of our health, most of us just like the man searching the lost key at the wrong places. Instead of taking control of our life style, we seek for either medication or medical professional help.
We should realize that no one knows better about our health than ourselves. Our health is our own business. Searching the answer from within will eventually help us restore our health.
Trust our intuition
Dr. Wayne Dyer had a famous quote, "If prayer is what we speak to God, then intuition is what God speaks to us."
Children are more intuitive than the grown-up because God speaks to them more often even they still don't know what is God. Let me tell you a story about music learning to illustrate about this.
I was at Whitewater Recorder workshop last weekend. One of the persons in my class is Miss. Judy. She teaches music to the preschool children, ages 2-5. No these kids have learn how to read the music. Nevertheless, these kids learn the music by the ear and their rhythm are always correct. It is very natural for children to learn music because every children has such intuitive ability to learn the music.
As we grow up, we rely more on reading music. The more we read, the more we are confused especially when the music has an unusual rhythm.
During the class, our recorder teacher gave us a music to read and play. The music was written in the notation of 13-century style. None of us knew how to count the beats. I made a request to the teacher.
"Laura, could you play the first 2 measure so that we know how to play the rest?"
She did. After she played the first 2 measures, now everybody sees the connection between the real music and the music written on the paper.
We all have intuitive ability to play and appreciate the music. Yet somehow, through our education, we gradually replace our intuitive music ability with the literally written music notes. We fool ourselves saying that we are more educated. But in fact, we gradually lose our intuitive ability to play and appreciate music.
Children are more intuitive than the grown-up because God speaks to them more often even they still don't know what is God. Let me tell you a story about music learning to illustrate about this.
I was at Whitewater Recorder workshop last weekend. One of the persons in my class is Miss. Judy. She teaches music to the preschool children, ages 2-5. No these kids have learn how to read the music. Nevertheless, these kids learn the music by the ear and their rhythm are always correct. It is very natural for children to learn music because every children has such intuitive ability to learn the music.
As we grow up, we rely more on reading music. The more we read, the more we are confused especially when the music has an unusual rhythm.
During the class, our recorder teacher gave us a music to read and play. The music was written in the notation of 13-century style. None of us knew how to count the beats. I made a request to the teacher.
"Laura, could you play the first 2 measure so that we know how to play the rest?"
She did. After she played the first 2 measures, now everybody sees the connection between the real music and the music written on the paper.
We all have intuitive ability to play and appreciate the music. Yet somehow, through our education, we gradually replace our intuitive music ability with the literally written music notes. We fool ourselves saying that we are more educated. But in fact, we gradually lose our intuitive ability to play and appreciate music.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Caterpillar and butterfly.
I was walking on the trail at BulBoltz Nature yesterday. While I was enjoyed listening to the bird chirping, green forest, and dirt road, I usually paid little attention to the very fine details of the leaves or any insects on the leaves.
The moment changed when I found a fellow with his girl friend stopped in front of a bush, keeled down on the ground and using his smart phone taking a picture of the bush and then scrolled through webpage of the smart phone.
I was very curios. I stopped by and asked what did he find. His girl friend showed me a green caterpillar on a green leaf of the bush and he was trying to identify the species through his smart phone.
I sighed and praised to him: an ordinary folk like me would not even pay attention to notice what is going on the life on the bush. But here is the green Caterpillar. We introduced ourselves. The fellow's name is John and his girl friend's name is Beth.
After we introduced each other, I took off. This time, I was more mindful than previous hike. Such pay attention to details did pay off. I spotted a Monah Butterfly rested on the ground enjoying the sun.
I took pictures of both caterpillar and the butterfly. This hike had taught many useful lesson.
The moment changed when I found a fellow with his girl friend stopped in front of a bush, keeled down on the ground and using his smart phone taking a picture of the bush and then scrolled through webpage of the smart phone.
I was very curios. I stopped by and asked what did he find. His girl friend showed me a green caterpillar on a green leaf of the bush and he was trying to identify the species through his smart phone.
I sighed and praised to him: an ordinary folk like me would not even pay attention to notice what is going on the life on the bush. But here is the green Caterpillar. We introduced ourselves. The fellow's name is John and his girl friend's name is Beth.
After we introduced each other, I took off. This time, I was more mindful than previous hike. Such pay attention to details did pay off. I spotted a Monah Butterfly rested on the ground enjoying the sun.
I took pictures of both caterpillar and the butterfly. This hike had taught many useful lesson.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Kind words mean a lot
I went to office to clean-up, clear off the desk. Got rid of books and award certificates. Yet, I kept all the 'thank you notes and cards' from the students. The kind words from my students warm my heart.
I have heard a story sometime ago. There was a high school teacher. Three weeks after the semester, she asked every students to write compliment to the other fellow students and handed in to her after students finished writing the stories.
After collecting all the students' papers, the teacher collected all the kind words for each students from their classmates and gave those kind notes in envelops to each students.
Five years after the graduation, the teacher received a phone call from the parent of her student, Rachael. Rachael's mom said that Rachael had been killed in a car accident. The parent invited the teacher to attend Rachael's funeral service.
After the service, Rachael's mom showed the envelop to the teacher and said to the teacher:
"Rachael read those kind notes from her classmates every night before she went to bed every night. We really appreciate what you had done to Rachael. Thank you."
Kind words mean a lot to a human soul.
I have heard a story sometime ago. There was a high school teacher. Three weeks after the semester, she asked every students to write compliment to the other fellow students and handed in to her after students finished writing the stories.
After collecting all the students' papers, the teacher collected all the kind words for each students from their classmates and gave those kind notes in envelops to each students.
Five years after the graduation, the teacher received a phone call from the parent of her student, Rachael. Rachael's mom said that Rachael had been killed in a car accident. The parent invited the teacher to attend Rachael's funeral service.
After the service, Rachael's mom showed the envelop to the teacher and said to the teacher:
"Rachael read those kind notes from her classmates every night before she went to bed every night. We really appreciate what you had done to Rachael. Thank you."
Kind words mean a lot to a human soul.
Just learn how to breath
Maria is a happy woman. She has a rewarding career and a loving partner.
One day, Maria's right leg became numb. Several days later, her tongue was numb; then her right arm too became numb.
She was scared. Could it be a MS ? Could it be a stroke?
Hurriedly she made an appointment with a local neurologist. After a thorough exam, the neurologist told her:
" I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that you do not have a stroke; nor a MS. The bad news is that you have an aneurism on the blood vessel on your skull."
"What shall we do with the aneurism?" Maria asked worriedly.
"We do not make surgery correction on aneurism here. But my assistant will schedule an appointment with Dr. Neumann in Madison, WI."
Few minutes later, the assistant told the doctor that the appointment had been made. Maria would see Dr. Neumann in two weeks.
"What would I do if the blood vessel break during this 2 weeks?" Maria worriedly inquired.
"Well, when the time comes, then it is the time for you to be at the eternal place.
That was not a calming words for Maria. During these 2 weeks, she lost sleep and was in deep depression and anxiety.
Maria saw Dr. Neumann after 2-week waiting period. After a thorough exam, Dr. Neumann did confirm that Maria had an aneurism on the blood vessel.
"I have good news and bad news for you." Dr. Neumann said,
"The good news is that we do have surgery procedure to correct your blood vessel. But the bad news is that this procedure is pending on FDA approval which probably would take 4 years to complete."
"What would I do during these 4 years of waiting period?" Maria asked.
"The blood vessel will burst when you are in tense state and holding your breath." the doctor said.
"From now on, you have to learn how to relax and how to breath to avoid the blood vessel rupture."
So, Maria began to do the breathing exercise since then. Four years had passed, she did not have incidence. The doctor told her that as long as she breath and relax, she will be fine. Besides, surgery correction is always a risk. If one can learn how to breath, it is better off than the surgery.
One day, Maria's right leg became numb. Several days later, her tongue was numb; then her right arm too became numb.
She was scared. Could it be a MS ? Could it be a stroke?
Hurriedly she made an appointment with a local neurologist. After a thorough exam, the neurologist told her:
" I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that you do not have a stroke; nor a MS. The bad news is that you have an aneurism on the blood vessel on your skull."
"What shall we do with the aneurism?" Maria asked worriedly.
"We do not make surgery correction on aneurism here. But my assistant will schedule an appointment with Dr. Neumann in Madison, WI."
Few minutes later, the assistant told the doctor that the appointment had been made. Maria would see Dr. Neumann in two weeks.
"What would I do if the blood vessel break during this 2 weeks?" Maria worriedly inquired.
"Well, when the time comes, then it is the time for you to be at the eternal place.
That was not a calming words for Maria. During these 2 weeks, she lost sleep and was in deep depression and anxiety.
Maria saw Dr. Neumann after 2-week waiting period. After a thorough exam, Dr. Neumann did confirm that Maria had an aneurism on the blood vessel.
"I have good news and bad news for you." Dr. Neumann said,
"The good news is that we do have surgery procedure to correct your blood vessel. But the bad news is that this procedure is pending on FDA approval which probably would take 4 years to complete."
"What would I do during these 4 years of waiting period?" Maria asked.
"The blood vessel will burst when you are in tense state and holding your breath." the doctor said.
"From now on, you have to learn how to relax and how to breath to avoid the blood vessel rupture."
So, Maria began to do the breathing exercise since then. Four years had passed, she did not have incidence. The doctor told her that as long as she breath and relax, she will be fine. Besides, surgery correction is always a risk. If one can learn how to breath, it is better off than the surgery.
Monday, May 30, 2016
She gave me joy; but I forgot her name--My first Christianity Experience
The year was about 1953. I was eight years old. Taiwan at the time was a typical 3rd-world country. Even in a very tough time, I met an angel. She gave me many joy. Unfortunately, I don't remember her name. I will call her Miss. Wu. She was about the same age as mine.
She and I grew up together in the same neighborhood of Chang-Hua, the most impoverished neighborhood of the city. The neighborhood did not have sewer systems; nor garbage pick-up. No asphalt road, only the dirt roads. There were 30-40 families clustering together; ignored, neglected or forgotten by the rest of the Chang-Hua city. Every family was struggling from one meal to the next meal. Yes, I had experienced those hard days in my early childhood life. So did she.
Summer days were hot and long. Because none of the family could afford the electric fans, we usually left our door open to catch some breeze. Once the doors were open, we all knew each other very well; especially our religion. In the folk religion, each family would put ancestors and other gods' images on the altar in the first room of the house. For a very long time, Miss. Wu's family was just like any other families, they also had ancestor and Buddha's images.
Then one day, those images and the altar were all gone from Miss Wu's family. Ms. Wu's family became a Christian family. That did not catch much of my attention until I noticed that she was helping her parent distributing flour, bread and butter to our neighborhood. What's a God-sent gift to all of us in the neighborhood for the bread and butter. They are the calories everybody needed. Apparently, her church had worked with American churches to distribute food reliefs to the needed Taiwanese families. That was the first experience we had with the charity and generosity of American churches and American people. Everyone in the neighborhood was deeply appreciated. During that time, she had also asked me to help her and her parent. I did , and I was very happy to do that. From time to time, she also invited me to attend children sessions of her church service. I did; I was specially motivated because the minister of the church would give us beautiful cards to keep if we could recite bible phrases in the sessions. I have gotten many cards and I had kept those cards for a long time. Those are the joyful times I had with my childhood.
Then suddenly there was an epidemic swept through Taiwan like a hurricane. It was the Diphtheria 白帿 epidemic which stroke very hard on the children under 15 years old especially in the neighborhood that had no money to afford the basic medical care. Schools and churches were closed for a while and I did not see her since then.
One night, I had seen a group of people gathering together at her house singing hymes. Other than that, I did not notice anything unusual.
The epidemic was over after three-week; school and church re-opened again. After that epidemic, she was not seen in the school; nor in the church. She was gone. The Diphtheria has taken her life away. That happened approximately 50 years ago.
She had given me joy in my childhood; but I cannot remember her name. I will call her, Miss Wu.
She and I grew up together in the same neighborhood of Chang-Hua, the most impoverished neighborhood of the city. The neighborhood did not have sewer systems; nor garbage pick-up. No asphalt road, only the dirt roads. There were 30-40 families clustering together; ignored, neglected or forgotten by the rest of the Chang-Hua city. Every family was struggling from one meal to the next meal. Yes, I had experienced those hard days in my early childhood life. So did she.
Summer days were hot and long. Because none of the family could afford the electric fans, we usually left our door open to catch some breeze. Once the doors were open, we all knew each other very well; especially our religion. In the folk religion, each family would put ancestors and other gods' images on the altar in the first room of the house. For a very long time, Miss. Wu's family was just like any other families, they also had ancestor and Buddha's images.
Then one day, those images and the altar were all gone from Miss Wu's family. Ms. Wu's family became a Christian family. That did not catch much of my attention until I noticed that she was helping her parent distributing flour, bread and butter to our neighborhood. What's a God-sent gift to all of us in the neighborhood for the bread and butter. They are the calories everybody needed. Apparently, her church had worked with American churches to distribute food reliefs to the needed Taiwanese families. That was the first experience we had with the charity and generosity of American churches and American people. Everyone in the neighborhood was deeply appreciated. During that time, she had also asked me to help her and her parent. I did , and I was very happy to do that. From time to time, she also invited me to attend children sessions of her church service. I did; I was specially motivated because the minister of the church would give us beautiful cards to keep if we could recite bible phrases in the sessions. I have gotten many cards and I had kept those cards for a long time. Those are the joyful times I had with my childhood.
Then suddenly there was an epidemic swept through Taiwan like a hurricane. It was the Diphtheria 白帿 epidemic which stroke very hard on the children under 15 years old especially in the neighborhood that had no money to afford the basic medical care. Schools and churches were closed for a while and I did not see her since then.
One night, I had seen a group of people gathering together at her house singing hymes. Other than that, I did not notice anything unusual.
The epidemic was over after three-week; school and church re-opened again. After that epidemic, she was not seen in the school; nor in the church. She was gone. The Diphtheria has taken her life away. That happened approximately 50 years ago.
She had given me joy in my childhood; but I cannot remember her name. I will call her, Miss Wu.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Surrendering to the High Power of God--My Personal Reflection After Reading Hamlet
My brother had given a talk on one of the Shakespeare's play, "Hamlet". This is a great story about 'surrendering to the Higher Power or God. I don't know if you had known the story of "Hamlet" or not. But, I will give you a synopsis of the story and explain why 'surrendering' is the best strategy for Hamlet maybe for us too.
Prince Hamlet was in a great mental agony for several reasons. His father, King Hamlet, was murdered by King's brother, Claudius, His mother, Gertrude, remarried to Claudius just 2 weeks after King's funnel, and Ghost King Hamlet told Prince Hamlet that Claudius was the true murderer of his death, and he also uncovered the true murderer through the observation of Claudius' reaction to the revise show of The Murder of Gonzago in which the play displayed the exact details as the ghost had told the prince how the king was murdered. However, as he tried to follow Claudius to avenge the murder, he found that Claudius knelt in a chapel saying prayer. The prince hesitated thinking he revenge during the time Claudius repented over his sin, he would send Claudius to Heaven instead of the Hell. The Prince went directly to his mother Gertrude to whom he despised. During a verbal quarreling, the Prince noticed some one came to her mother's bedroom. The Prince thought it was Claudius. In a great hurry, he used his sword killed the 'intruder', who was actually Polonius who was the father of his childhood buddy, Laertes, and the father of his 'lover' , Ophelia. I have a quotation mark over the 'lover' because even Opelia fell in love with the Prince, the Prince showed no interest and no respect for her. The Prince even insulted Ophelia, telling her she was a prostitute.
'King' Claudius sent the Prince exile to England for additional education. Before the journey, the King sealed a letter in an envelope and asking Prince's companions to deliver to the King of England. In the letter, King Claudius requested King of England to execute the Prince immediately. The Prince absolutely had no idea about the content of the letter.
On the trip to England from Denmark, the ship was hijacked by the Viking. The Prince thought that was the end of his fate because the Viking was notorious about how they treated the prisoner. Besides, the Viking were Norwegians whose king was just murdered by King Hamlet not long ago. To the contrary of what he had expected from the Viking, the Viking treated him with respect after the Viking searched through the Prince' belonging including the letter. The Viking gave the Prince the letter that Claudius wrote.
From that moment, the Prince had an epiphany. God knows everything. Surrendering to God, and follow God's direction. God will tell him what to do. The Prince went back to Denmark.
Meanwhile, Prince's 'lover' Ophelia committed suicide by drowning herself due to mistreatment of the Prince. The Prince's childhood buddy, Laeters was furious over the death of his father Polonius, and his sister Ophelia. Laeters challenged the Prince for a duel. King Claudius would witness the duel. Claudius knew that the Prince would win the duel easily, so he told Laeters to put poison in Laeter's sword. So, even a small cut on Prince Hamlet's body, the Prince would die.


Prince Hamlet was in a great mental agony for several reasons. His father, King Hamlet, was murdered by King's brother, Claudius, His mother, Gertrude, remarried to Claudius just 2 weeks after King's funnel, and Ghost King Hamlet told Prince Hamlet that Claudius was the true murderer of his death, and he also uncovered the true murderer through the observation of Claudius' reaction to the revise show of The Murder of Gonzago in which the play displayed the exact details as the ghost had told the prince how the king was murdered. However, as he tried to follow Claudius to avenge the murder, he found that Claudius knelt in a chapel saying prayer. The prince hesitated thinking he revenge during the time Claudius repented over his sin, he would send Claudius to Heaven instead of the Hell. The Prince went directly to his mother Gertrude to whom he despised. During a verbal quarreling, the Prince noticed some one came to her mother's bedroom. The Prince thought it was Claudius. In a great hurry, he used his sword killed the 'intruder', who was actually Polonius who was the father of his childhood buddy, Laertes, and the father of his 'lover' , Ophelia. I have a quotation mark over the 'lover' because even Opelia fell in love with the Prince, the Prince showed no interest and no respect for her. The Prince even insulted Ophelia, telling her she was a prostitute.
'King' Claudius sent the Prince exile to England for additional education. Before the journey, the King sealed a letter in an envelope and asking Prince's companions to deliver to the King of England. In the letter, King Claudius requested King of England to execute the Prince immediately. The Prince absolutely had no idea about the content of the letter.
On the trip to England from Denmark, the ship was hijacked by the Viking. The Prince thought that was the end of his fate because the Viking was notorious about how they treated the prisoner. Besides, the Viking were Norwegians whose king was just murdered by King Hamlet not long ago. To the contrary of what he had expected from the Viking, the Viking treated him with respect after the Viking searched through the Prince' belonging including the letter. The Viking gave the Prince the letter that Claudius wrote.
From that moment, the Prince had an epiphany. God knows everything. Surrendering to God, and follow God's direction. God will tell him what to do. The Prince went back to Denmark.
Meanwhile, Prince's 'lover' Ophelia committed suicide by drowning herself due to mistreatment of the Prince. The Prince's childhood buddy, Laeters was furious over the death of his father Polonius, and his sister Ophelia. Laeters challenged the Prince for a duel. King Claudius would witness the duel. Claudius knew that the Prince would win the duel easily, so he told Laeters to put poison in Laeter's sword. So, even a small cut on Prince Hamlet's body, the Prince would die.
When we judge, a flower becomes a weed.
On the green grass either in the lawn in front of the suburban residential home or in the park, or on the side of a walking trail, when they are decorated with yellow flowers, these flowers with the green background are very pretty (Figure 1). Even if those flowers are matured and become white-fluffy ball, they also decorated the green trail with a surreal appeal (Figure 2). Chinese medicine regards this type of plants with the root having therapeutic activity for liver ailment.
The name of the flower is dandelion. American homeowners had spent million of dollars trying to remove these flowers from their green lawn.
Under the judgmental mind of American suburban culture, a flower becomes a weed; unfortunately, the pretty beautiful dandelion becomes the weed doomed to be for mass destruction.

The name of the flower is dandelion. American homeowners had spent million of dollars trying to remove these flowers from their green lawn.
Under the judgmental mind of American suburban culture, a flower becomes a weed; unfortunately, the pretty beautiful dandelion becomes the weed doomed to be for mass destruction.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
The Old Kentucky Home
The year was 1852 in an old Kentucky cottage. Annie was a servant working as a nanny to Mrs. Stevens' young infant. Annie was actually an African slave; but as long as Annie did not cross the master-slavery boundary, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens treated her kindly.
Annie was a gifted a musician. Mrs. Stevens gave her a banjo that Annie often played the banjo and sang lullabies to Mrs. Stevens' infant girl. Annie worked very hard tending all household chores. But as long as the Stevens treated her kindly, Annie was very content with her life.
There was an economic recession in Kentucky as Mr. Stevens went through grave economic hardship. As the Stevens' debt mounted, the Stevens had to sell their last possessions, the African slaves including Annie to a new master in Louisiana who had a sugar plantation.
The Stevens told Annie about this in a summer night. The masters of sugar can plantation were often notoriously ruthless. The slaves often worked in a very harsh conditions enduring all the abuse of white masters.
Sadly, Annie sang the following song, which is known today as the old Kentucky Hume. The lyrics is:
he sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home.
'Tis summer, the darkies are gay,
The corn top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom
While the birds make music all the day.
The young folks roll on the little cabin floor,
All merry, all happy and bright.
By 'n by hard times comes a-knocking at the door,
Then my old Kentucky home, good night.
Weep no more my lady, oh! weep no more today!
We will sing one song for the old Kentucky home,
For the old Kentucky home far away.
They hunt no more for the 'possum and the coon,
On the meadow, the hill and the shore,
They sing no more by the glimmer of the moon,
On the bench by that old cabin door.
The day goes by like a shadow o'er the heart,
With sorrow where all was delight.
The time has come when the darkies have to part,
Then my old Kentucky home, good night!
p.s. The lyrics and music were actually written by Stephan Foster, a great American composer. The tune was from African-American. The song was an anti-slavery song portraying the inhuman part of the slavery in America before the Civil War.
Annie was a gifted a musician. Mrs. Stevens gave her a banjo that Annie often played the banjo and sang lullabies to Mrs. Stevens' infant girl. Annie worked very hard tending all household chores. But as long as the Stevens treated her kindly, Annie was very content with her life.
There was an economic recession in Kentucky as Mr. Stevens went through grave economic hardship. As the Stevens' debt mounted, the Stevens had to sell their last possessions, the African slaves including Annie to a new master in Louisiana who had a sugar plantation.
The Stevens told Annie about this in a summer night. The masters of sugar can plantation were often notoriously ruthless. The slaves often worked in a very harsh conditions enduring all the abuse of white masters.
Sadly, Annie sang the following song, which is known today as the old Kentucky Hume. The lyrics is:
he sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home.
'Tis summer, the darkies are gay,
The corn top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom
While the birds make music all the day.
The young folks roll on the little cabin floor,
All merry, all happy and bright.
By 'n by hard times comes a-knocking at the door,
Then my old Kentucky home, good night.
Weep no more my lady, oh! weep no more today!
We will sing one song for the old Kentucky home,
For the old Kentucky home far away.
They hunt no more for the 'possum and the coon,
On the meadow, the hill and the shore,
They sing no more by the glimmer of the moon,
On the bench by that old cabin door.
The day goes by like a shadow o'er the heart,
With sorrow where all was delight.
The time has come when the darkies have to part,
Then my old Kentucky home, good night!
p.s. The lyrics and music were actually written by Stephan Foster, a great American composer. The tune was from African-American. The song was an anti-slavery song portraying the inhuman part of the slavery in America before the Civil War.
Amazing Grace
John Newton was a notorious ruthless slave captain. He owned a ship that shipped slaves from west Africa to America for profit. He had no God; and he yielded to no one.
While he was sailing the same slave-trade route to America in 1748, his ship encountered a violent storm so violent that he thought that was the end of his life and everything.
During the storm, he heard a soothing voice came from some of his African slaves, a native tune for West African people. Hurriedly, on the back of an envelop, he scrambled the following words:
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind but now I see.
When the storm was over, he sailed back to West Africa and released all his slaves. He later became a strong advocate of anti-slavery in America.
Here is the photo of John Newton.
While he was sailing the same slave-trade route to America in 1748, his ship encountered a violent storm so violent that he thought that was the end of his life and everything.
During the storm, he heard a soothing voice came from some of his African slaves, a native tune for West African people. Hurriedly, on the back of an envelop, he scrambled the following words:
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind but now I see.
When the storm was over, he sailed back to West Africa and released all his slaves. He later became a strong advocate of anti-slavery in America.
Here is the photo of John Newton.
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