Saturday, December 29, 2018

A Yogi’s Aura

We can tell a person whether he is healthy or sick, by looking at his face’s color. Similarly, we can tell a person if he is happy or sad or angry by looking at his color.

Scientifically, we are actually looking at a person’s aura and can tell a person’s healthy state or emotional states.  Aura is actually an infrared light, normally out of human eyes’ detection but can be photographed by an infrared camera.  There is a place in Appleton which has an equipment to detect a person’s aura.

Animals have better ability to detect the infrared aura than human.  So here is the story.

A yogi was meditating quietly alone for 10 days.  During 10 days, besides sitting meditation, he walked silently and ate silently.

After 10 days of silence, he walked into the woods. Extend his hands out, a bird flew over and sat on his palm.  Apparently, the yogi has such a good aura after 10 days of meditation, the bird sees no harm of this person and boldly flew to his palm and was trying to be a friend of this yogi.

We often heard the law of attraction which states that we often attract the kind of person we project ourselves.  What we project ourselves is actually the aura which reflects our physical or emotional states.

Why am I still alive?

Renee was about to quit Facebook.  She did not visit Facebook for a long time.  Then, one day, when she visited Facebook, she saw her friend/teacher, Dee, posted a picture of her (Dee) daughter’s wedding.

Dee was Renee’s teacher.  Then Dee quit; Dee got an inoperable brain tumor and was not expected to live for long.  Dee confided to Renee, and said, “I really want to live to see my daughter graduate from Highschool.”  Her daughter was in first year of middle school.  That was about 12 years ago.

When Renee saw Dee’s posting on Facebook and knowing Dee is still alive and knew something very precious in this experience.

“If we know why we are here, we will endure all misfortune and live.”

Friday, December 28, 2018

The yogi did not bleed

The following story comes from Deepak Chopra.  You have to ask him if the story is true or not.

When Deepak was a young medical student in India, a yogi came to his physiology lab and did a startling demonstration.

The yogi stabbed a knife into his own biscep, and did not bleed.  Note, yogi means the union of body, mind and spirit.  To a skillful yogi, a body is the body of conscious not the body of flesh.

A doctor who was the medical professor mocked the yogi, “What other trick do you still have?”

As the yogi heard of these words and became angry, his flesh began to bleed.  But then, he realized that he had allowed his ego to emerge so that the flesh blended; he went back to his spirit self, and the bleeding stoped.

This story is quite amazing if it is true.

Tomato seed

When Tom was a small boy of 3 years old, his mom asking him to plant the tomato seeds.

“Where does tomato come from?”, Tom asked,

“From God”.  Mom said.

“Then why do we bother to plant the seeds ?”

“The gift of God is in the seed.”  Mom said.

Tom and his older brother began dissecting the seeds and found beside the seed shells, nothing resembled tomato was found.

Today, if we are curious, and use all kinds of powerful analytical technique, we probably can find electrons, protons, subatomic particles and a large space.

But, because this tomato seed has an intention to manifest itself a tomato, this seed becomes tomato when the conditions are right.

The tomato seeds teach us the power of intention.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

You can heal your wart.

A little girl had a flat wart on her face. The wart had spread.

The doctor said that wart was caused by virus.  There was no cure.  But the doctor also said,

“The virus inside your body caused your flat wart; but there is something within you that can heal your wart.”

The word itself is healing.  From that moment, she talked to the ‘healer’ inside her body.  Few years later, the wart was gone.  She was healed.