Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Gratitude flows in every loving relationship

The following messages are from Oprah and Deepak in their "Manifest Grace through Gratitude" Day 10 recording. Enjoy reading it and welcome your comments.

Gratitude expands every relationship. When we feel gratitude at the moment, we cultivate up acceptance and openness to the person we are relating to. We accept everything 'as is'. We connect what really matters. This is the most powerful gift to the person in our life. In this way, we dissolve the difference that separates us from one another, and open a way for deeper connection.

Whatever relationship needs is a touch of grace which is triggered when we show gratitude to the other person. Gratitude is magical as it dissolves differences and removes obstacles. But the magic really comes down to the basic facts: To have a fulfilling relationship, we must relate. There is an unbroken flow between us and the person we are relating to. The things we give and the things we receive are the life of the relationship. Giving is most powerful at the emotional level. If we express gratitude to our partners, our words are metabolized in the brain of both the giver and the receiver that manifest mental and physiological changes on both the giver and the receiver. Think about the difference you would feel when someone is thankful to us in their life. It soothes the heart and dissolves all the grievance and resentment. Relationship flourishes when we are able to offer ourselves to one another with unlimited love,compassion, kindness and understanding. This idea is hard to reach without our expanded awareness. Our own desires and ego needs stands the way. But our true-self knows better. Grace accomplishes what ego cannot. We are not loaded up when we express gratitude. Instead, we are opening up for infinite awareness which can accomplish everything. The reverse is true when we stop giving and receiving, the flow of the grace is constricted. Grace through gratitude can keep this flow to open even when the relationship is constricted. Be grateful here and now; don't indulge in the illusion of the old dream. The real potential is waiting to be awaken. When we allow ourselves to be grateful, we form a bond with our partners that heeds separation. This is how the relationship enable a couple to accomplish any difficult tasks when two are one.

Another story I read from Shamhala Publisher Sampler is about a couple seeking help from a marriage councilor. The councilor advises the couple to do each other a random kindness and express gratitude each time your partner practice kindness. These mutual 'kindness' and 'gratitude' help the couple to save the broken relationship.

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