The original story was in Mandarin. However, many of my friends who need help now cannot read Mandarin. Thus, I re-write the story in English. I will write as a narrative of Dr. Lee Feng.
Here is the story:
My name is Lee Feng. I am a pathologist, earning pathology degrees from medical schools of National Taiwan University and Toronto University (Canada).
In 1977, I was at the last year of the graduate school program of the medical school of Toronto University. I was 29 heading to 30 years old. I had a boy friend. I also had a pathologist position in a pathology lab in the Toronto area. My future looked very bright for me.
Bright Future Turned into Dark Age
Unfortunately, I was diagnosed of having Lymphoma as confirmed by a biopsy. My employer knew about it. While expressing sympathy and kindness, my boss asked me to resign immediately so that I would not 'slow down' the progress of the lab. In the meantime, my boy friend left me. Thus, I had lost my job and became socially isolated. On top of that, I was stricken with a life-threatening lymphoma.
I received a surgery and a first-round of chemo treatment. As a result of the chemo, my blood platelet counts plummeted and I bruised and bled easily. Thus, I faced a dilemma of decisions: (1) Continuing the chemo which would end up my bleeding to death either externally or internally. (2) Discontinuing the chemo treatment which my doctor told me that I would die from the cancer. My doctor told me to continue the chemo even I could face dangerous side effects.
Disobey Doctor's Order
I decided to stop all the chemo. After earning a pathology degree, I went back to Taiwan. Taiwan was much warmer than Canada. Besides, I had relatives and friends in Taiwan; socially, I was no longer isolated and lonely. Also, I got a pathologist position in one of the hospitals in Taipei.
I was still very weak and feeble. I took a lot of medications to counteract the side effects from the chemo treatment in Canada. I was hospitalized several times. You could say that my stomach had a large appetite for prescription drugs.
To be continued on Part 2. The Mandarin's version of the narrative is shown as follows:
30 年前,當我還在加拿大的多倫多研究所進修,正慶幸尚有一年,研究所的功課便可以結束時,竟被發現患了癌症。 手術證實是癌症的第二天,我工作機構的老板來看我。首先,說了一大篇他心裡如何難過的客套話。 然後告訴我,在社會上做事,好比一個大機器中的小螺絲釘,只要中間有一個小螺絲釘停止工作,都會影響整個機器的工作效率。 接著,他指著我說:「而你,顯然會有很長一段時間不能工作,所以,很抱歉,請你馬上辭職。」
治療了一段時間後,血小板變得很少,不小心一碰,到處都會瘀青,如果內部大量出血,就可能致命。與主治醫師商量,是否可以暫時停止治療,主冶醫師竟然不同意。在這種「吃藥會出血致死,不吃藥又會病死」的情形下,做病人的我,的確非常為難。 考慮再三,決定作個反叛的病人,我自己把化學治療停掉了。現在回想起來,是當年的反叛救了自己。
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