Saturday, May 23, 2015

Prayer, Dreams, and Healing

The following are summaries from the audio tape of Hay House 2015 Summit experts--Larry Dossey, David Hawkins, and Wayne Dyer. I add my comments at the end of the summary

Larry Dossey, David Hawkins, and Wayne Dyer.

Both Dossey and Hawkins are medical doctors who believe spirituality is an important part of being healthy. Dyer is a psychology doctor.

Dossey: Being trained as a medical doctor, initially, I was very skeptical about the effectiveness of prayer in healing. I thought those practices were simply just waste of time. This view changed when I began to review clinical data.

The first clinical studies I am aware of was 1988 clinical trial conducted at San Francisco General Hospital. The results were stunning. After that, there were 143 clinical trials conducted world-wide. The positive effects of prayer are beyond doubt.

The reason that prayer works, according to my (Dossey) interpretation is that within each of us, there is the Universe (God) or Soul. When we have a connection through this Universe, the Universe heals us. Prayer is a way to connect through this Universe (one mind).

Each day, when we go to sleep, our Universe detaches our body. This Universe is not confined to our 3-dimensional world. The detached Universe could meet our ancestors in our dreams. Often these dreams can be very revealing for our present 3-dimensional world. Clinically, a radiologist told me that a woman patient visited his office and told the radiologist that in her dream, her ancestor told her in her dream that she had a tumor in her breast at a certain location. A mammogram was conducted and revealed nothing. However, the woman insisted to have a biopsy done on her breast cell. Surely, the biopsy revealed she did have a tumor at the exact location that her ancestors revealed to her in her dream.

Dyer: The prayer works in my case of leukemia. I had leukemia several years ago. A Peru healer promised me through his prayer remotely from Peru. Surely, my leukemia was healed through his prayer and some other things. (Note from Chen: I am still skeptical about this statement. This seems to be too good to be true. I do need to verify this statement by conducting more research. Whether I miss-understand Wayne's disclosure, or are there other things I had missed.)

Hawkins: Each entity in Universe has an energy; with the energy scale of 100 for body (Note from Chen: any object with a positive absolute temperature will emit light or energy. In physics, this is called the black-body readiation.). The mind (our per-programmed subconscious mind) has an energy scale of 400. It over-powers our body. Thus, our body seeks expressions of our subconscious mind. Clinically, one can see subjects can become allergic to whatever objects simply by making suggestions during a hypnotic state. In kinesiology, a patient can suddenly lose muscle strength simply by engaging in negative emotion or thought. Thus, healing an illness cannot be successful without re-programming a patient’s subconscious.


About re-programming subconscious mind

Subconscious mind is stubbornly difficult to change. Subconscious mind is useful; it allows us to walk, to bike, to drive, to eat which we do every day without giving a second thought. However, per-programed subconscious also prompts us to react with negative emotion when someone is pushing our button. Re-programming can succeed through affirmation, meditation. If we engage our thought in consciousness by paying attention to the present moment, we can detach ourselves from reacting emotionally when someone is pushing the button on us.

About subconscious, conscious, and vibration

Since each entity is an energy entity, it can be expressed as a wave with a frequencies. The body has low energy, thus a low frequency. On the other hand, the mind has a higher energy, it has a higher frequency. The wave has not only the frequency but also phase. A positive emotion is often associated with a wave in phase (or in sync) with our body energy. It therefore contributes well-beings and good health. On the contrary, a negative emotion is out-of-phase with the wave from our body energy. Negative emotions lead to illness. Mindfulness, and active conscious mind can gear us to engage in-phase mind-body connection.

About Law of Attraction, Honey-Moon Effects, and Relationship

When two persons engage each other with in-phase energy (vibration), their waves reinforce each other. Their energies amplifies. They attract each other to create a synergistic effect for emotional and healthy well-beings. The opposite of this synergism is that when two persons with out-of-phase energy waves (vibration), two waves cancel each other creating pains in both persons.

When two persons engage each other, and if each person allows his or her partner to push their buttons so that their subconscious minds respond each other. These responses are often out-of-phase interference of two energy waves (vibration) and therefore pains and suffering for each person.

On the other hand, if each person engages his or her conscious mind by listening mindfully, such out-of-phase interference can be avoided because our conscious mind can often gear us to create resonance of two waves. This is so-called the honey-moon effect on the relationship.

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